脫氫表雄酮(DHEA)(Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA))
Concentration: 1.0 mg/mL
Solvent: Methanol
Unit Size: 1 mL/ampoule
CAS Number: 53-43-0
Chemical Formula: C19H28O2
Molecular Weight: 288.42
DHEA is an endogenous steroid that has been implicated in a broad range of biological effects in humans and other mammals. Besides testing under the World Anti-Doping Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), DHEA levels are also measured for newborn screening of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and for determination of hyperandrogenic conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and adrenal tumors. This calibration material is suitable for GC/MS and LC/MS applications from clinical and diagnostic testing and endocrinology to sports testing.